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Navigating Health and Safety Issues in the Irish Workplace: A Legal Guide

yellow hard hat on brown and yellow fireman s suit

In the dynamic landscape of modern workplaces, ensuring health and safety is paramount. Employers in Ireland are bound by a robust legal framework to safeguard their employees’ well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the legal aspects of health and safety issues at the workplace, offering user-friendly insights for both employers and employees.  Understanding […]

Navigating Disciplinary Procedures at the Workplace in Ireland: A Legal Guide

photo of employment contract

In every workplace, maintaining discipline is crucial for fostering a productive andharmonious environment. However, enforcing disciplinary procedures can be a complexprocess, especially considering the legal framework that governs it. In Ireland, understandingthe legal aspects of disciplinary procedures is paramount for both employers andemployees. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the key components of disciplinaryprocedures in […]

Navigating Redundancy Procedures in Ireland: A Legal Guide

woman signing on white printer paper beside woman about to touch the documents

In today’s dynamic economic landscape, businesses often face the challenging task of navigating redundancies. Whether due to economic downturns, technological advancements, or restructuring needs, the redundancy process is a crucial aspect of business operations. In Ireland, specific legal frameworks govern redundancy procedures, ensuring fairness and compliance with the law. In this guide, we’ll explore the […]

Understanding Family Law in Ireland: A Comprehensive Overview

Family law concept. Wooden dolls family with gavel isolated on white background.

Family law in Ireland encompasses a wide range of legal matters about relationships, marriage, children, and domestic partnerships. It is a vital area of law that governs the rights and responsibilities of individuals within familial relationships. Understanding the intricacies of family law is crucial for anyone navigating issues such as marriage, divorce, child custody, and […]

What is the conveyancing process?

happy couple holding and showing a house key

The conveyancing process refers to the legal process of transferring ownership of property from one person or entity to another. It typically involves several steps and legal requirements to ensure a smooth and legally valid transfer. Here is a general overview of the conveyancing process: It’s important to note that the conveyancing process can vary […]

What information does a solicitor need?

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When working with a solicitor, they will require specific information and documentation related to your legal matter. The exact information they need can vary depending on the nature of your case, but here are some common types of information a solicitor may require: It’s important to provide accurate and complete information to your solicitor to […]

What questions should I ask a solicitor?

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When consulting with a solicitor, it’s important to ask relevant questions to gather information, assess their suitability for your needs, and understand the legal process. Here are some important questions to consider asking a solicitor: Remember, these questions serve as a starting point, and you may have additional questions specific to your situation. It’s important […]

What solicitor do I need?

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The type of solicitor you need depends on the specific legal issue or matter you are dealing with. Solicitors often specialize in specific areas of law, so it’s important to find a solicitor who has expertise and experience in the relevant area. Here are some common areas of law and the corresponding types of solicitors: […]

Do solicitors charge for phone calls?

black rotary telephone on white surface

Solicitors in Ireland may charge for phone calls, but it ultimately depends on the individual solicitor and their fee structure. Some solicitors may include phone calls as part of their overall service and charge a flat fee or an hourly rate for their services, which would cover communication with clients through various channels, including phone […]

What does a solicitor do?

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A solicitor is a legal professional who provides a range of legal services to individuals, businesses, organizations, and other clients. Their main responsibilities include: It’s important to note that the specific tasks performed by solicitors may vary depending on their area of specialization, the jurisdiction they practice in, and the needs of their clients. Some […]

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